Julie and I stood in the middle of our living room as we did the last walk thru. we have sold, or given away everything we ever owned and as of Oct. 1 we are officially out of our house! That's right we are homeless (by choice) and starting our adventure. We are living the dream that God put in our hearts. As sad as saying goodbye can be there is an amazing peace and joy with which God is filling every fiber of my being. There is a freedom I can't even describe. I think of the rich young ruler who was told to go and sell all that he owned give it to the poor and to follow Jesus. The saddest phrase "He was saddened and went away grieving for he was one who owned m
uch property." WOW! if only he would have sold it, there was so much joy right on
the other side of that transaction but the world and his heart couldn't reconcile living life fully dependent on God. I know everyone is not called to sell everything and move to Africa; however we also know that everyone has a dream that God has placed in your heart, a reason, a purpose a challenge designed to bring out the talent and greatness that God placed in you. It often begins with the hardest step, something we must lay down, or an act of faith that seems unreasonable to the world. Don't let your dream fade away, don't walk away saddened. Embrace your calling and live God's dream you will never regret it! never, never never!!!!