What a month we have had in Kenya.
We landed on Oct. 11 and hit the ground running. This last quarter of the year is very busy for us with the Widows & Orphans Christmas Care Packs which have grown over the last 4 years to be one of the most special events providing food and Christmas love for over 1000 widows and orphans. I can't describe the feelings and emotions that well up when these mommas are looking at you with tears of gratitude in their eyes or the beautiful children latch on to you so thankful, so happy to know there are people who care about their lives and condition.
We are also digging deep to help our partner feeding programs which are providing meals for the children who are out of school on break. In Kenya, the Christmas break is 2 months. In many of the poorer areas school is the only place the children will get food each day, so during break the feeding program partners will try their best to fill in the gap.
We have also been busy with church partners working towards completing and planting new churches in Kenya, like our friends at TOGAN in Nairobi who have gone from an empty field with a small tent. This wonderful church was able to move forward with construction and meets in a large new building each week. God has been faithful and sent ministry partners who care and pray.

It is through the donations and prayers of people like you we can keep all our partner programs REACHing and sharing the love of God.
We were able to speak at three events and visit some of our partners and a rescue home this month. We are so thankful that God has opened the door for us to partner with Beatrice at Glory Christian Education Center, & her rescue house which is currently home to 68 children rescued

from sexual abuse. This is a heartbreaking ministry space, and you have to guard your heart when you are there not to break down and cry with the stories of abuse these young children have endured. Our hearts break for them in the trauma both physically and mentally that they have been through. At the same time, we are so happy to see the joyful, love-filled lives they are living now! It is so incredible to see believers loving and taking care of these children. They are praying over them and teaching them to live overcoming lives through and by the blood of Jesus. The children have become faithful, anointed, believers who love to sing and praise God. They are also ready to teach you and pray for you when you visit.
As I close out this month's newsletter. I want to ask for your prayers. God has placed on our hearts an urgency for the lost in this time of history. The world is a bad place, and we know from scripture it will be getting worse before it ends. The great news is that we have already found salvation through the name and blood of Jesus. We feel the burden so heavy to get busy reaching and serving as many people as we can before Jesus returns. Our prayer request is this:
Dynamic teaching from the Holy Spirit that draws people into the kingdom.
Supernatural healing and deliverance that brings people into an encounter with God.
Supernatural love that is so observable that people want to know Jesus.
Provision for all the widows & orphans, the schools, and feeding programs for Christmas.
Peace for all our partners around the world.
Safety and favor as we travel.
Everyone you and I know gets an understanding of these last days and a revelation of what God wants their role to be at this time.
God bless you and keep you until we meet again. We also thank you for what you have done and finally urge you to go vote, tell others to vote, and remember: as America goes, so goes the world. Our country can export life, or it can export death. Let's choose life starting in our own communities, in our states, in our nation, and even unto the ends of the earth!
Love you,
Richard & Julie