Hello everyone, we are so excited about what God is doing in the world today. Our third quarter of 2022 has been amazing and life changing. I titled this update "NOTHING BUT JESUS" because it has become a theme that Holy Spirit is teaching us as we minister in the mission field of Kenya. When we can empty ourselves of this world and fill the vessel with Jesus everything around us changes. As a quick update the boys dormitory is almost completed the first floor living area! The doors and windows are in and the plastering is almost complete. We are targeting to move the boys in by December. Then we will move the girls to the temporary building and tear down the girls old dorm so we can start the foundation for the girls.

In addition we have been able to refurbish all the primary and secondary school rooms really raising the standard of life for the beautiful children at Agape orphanage. God also opened the doors for our partnership with an orphanage in Ekeonga that has included a full water system providing running water to the orphans and disadvantaged children that are served by our partners Augustus and Martha. They have also created a project where we were able to partner with them to feed the children a nutritious meal for one whole year! I think the part of this story that moves my heart most is that the Ekeonga projects were funded completely by new partners in Canada and their church. These connections came by word of mouth and Jesus connecting the dots so that people in Canada can partner with people in Kenya to fulfill the heart of God to his children in a small village outside of Kisii Kenya.

We were also called to help Bernard and Rhoda in Migori as they started a new school/orphanage. We worked with them last year as they provided a feeding program to orphans and disadvantaged children and supported education and training to a large group of widows in their area. When we met with them God was opening up a school that had closed during Covid19. We put together a project for "Blessed Generations CBO" and they were able to move from a 2 room feeding program to large campus with 14 rooms, a large playground area and established water well. The have now increased the ministry to include school, church and the meetings for the widows!

We by God's leading spent 5 months in Kisumu where we have been centrally located to many of these projects as well as weekly ministry teaching and preaching in the churches in every direction. God is destroying the lies of poverty, oppression and sickness. The message is God calling His people back to Him, and Jesus is everything. He is calling us to be so close , so focused on Him that you will draw your very identity from Jesus. Being set free by the truth that our identity in Christ frees them from a life of bondage and is continuously driving transformation in our lives and plunging them into the kingdom of God.
Our lives have been so blessed as we have preached the gospel in Kosele, Gendia, Homa Bay, Ahero, Manyatta, Kisumu, Mambolao, Rongo, Migori, Oyengwe, Kobala and many more. In addition to church meetings we have been able to do helps ministries delivering food, clothes and prayers door to door in Obet as well as crusade and street ministry. At the end of July we did a three day crusade with the church in Manyatta reaching out to an area known for drugs alcohol & prostitution. We had challenges with electricity, weather, even preaching one night in the rain without power but God took the victory home as over 80 people made a decision for Christ. God is opening the door for many crusades in the future laying out a plan in our hearts for connecting the lost people in an area to the local churches who will take up the charge to disciple the new believers.

Through all the ministry, all the hearts touched, the widows and orphans fed, all the homes and buildings being constructed and refurbished.
Through all the connections God has made and directed, all the water projects completed, all the miracles, deliverance, all the healing.... God remains faithful and the message the same. Love God, Love your neighbor and let Jesus transform you into His image by daily meeting Him in prayer, by interacting with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. by hearing the voice of Jesus and letting him transform you into His image, fulfilling the call of God by becoming His hands and feet. It is through this time you spend with God that you will touch the Glory of God your creator, your Father your very life.

Don't get distracted by this world or the silly drama and traps the enemy sets. Remember that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, it is an eternal position everything in this world that is not eternal is just a distraction.

Why would we let the limited things that exist take away from our eternal lives? Only two things matter God and people... they are eternal, focus on those things and the lies of the world will peel back and you will experience joy unspeakable and full of glory the way Jesus created you to experience it, something He called the abundant life!