REACH Ministries

Branches HB is our home Church and first partner. If you are in Huntington Beach there is not a better place to Learn about your relationship with Christ. Go to their website and check out all the programs, and service times.

Brian Sumner
Brian is an urban missionary focusing on evangelism, outreach, teaching, and speaking at churches, youth groups, missions trips, marriage and men’s conferences, recovery groups, and schools. He lives in Huntington Beach with his wife and three kids.

FUEL Ministries
Focus Upon Eternal Living (FUEL) Ministries exists to reach men that are caught in the bondage of habitual sin and long to be set free. They aim to encourage, equip and empower men to be all that God has called them to be. FUEL hosts meetings at CBC (401 6th St., Huntington Beach) every Thursday night at 6pm.

Faith Christian Fellowship AG
Special in my heart Faith Christian Fellowship is the first church I taught in, pastored in and received the call of God. They will always be my partners in the Kingdom!
Faith Christian Fellowship Assembly of God is located in Yorktown, Texas and is affiliated with the General Council of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri.

Faith Family Church
Faith Family Church is the Church where God first called us to missions. Pastors Jim and Tamara Graff are our spiritual anchors and leaders of this wonderful church where they Celebrate God. & Champion People.
FFC is a community committed to making disciples of Jesus who are HELPING PEOPLE WIN locally, nationally and globally.
This is a place where you can know God and fully be known. It’s Where Friends Become Family.

Fathers House
LaRue and Anna Adkinson preside as Founders of Father's House Church, an apostolic equipping center located in Houston, Texas. Father's House Church is dedicated to the establishment of the 7 Pillars of Revival of Salvation, Worship, Intercession, Divine Healing, Deliverance, Benevolence and Discipleship of the nations.

Horizon Pregnancy Clinic provides caring and personal support to those in crisis pregnancy situations. From pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, to classes, resources, and products, they provide a multitude of services before and after baby arrives all for FREE with love.

Jim & Cleo Hughes
Our newest ministry partners Jim & Cleo are more than partners in prayer and support. These two have answered the call of God in their lives to devote themselves to being full-time missionaries with REACH Ministries. We praise the Lord Almighty for bringing these two into our lives and look forward to all the Kingdom-building opportunities God has in store for them!

Joseph Oduor Aluoch
Joseph has been a dear friend for over 34 years. In the last 3 years, he has been partnering with REACH Ministries to help with our logistics, interpretation, teaching preaching, and prayer covering. He is a great asset and national Kenyan expert who keeps us in line with culture and local customs. God blessed REACH ministries when Joseph joined the team!

MATT 25-40
Matt25-40 aims to help homeless and low-income individuals located in Huntington Beach and nearby areas to leave the streets and become productive citizens. Matt25-40 identifies specific needs in clothing, shelter, mentoring, or other desired support in collaboration with the City of Huntington Beach Homeless Task Force and other local non-governmental agencies.

Miracleland Ministries
Miracleland Ministries- MLM is a vibrant apostolic and prophetic ministry touching on the lives of all through evangelism, teaching, healing, deliverance and counseling, with Jesus Christ at the Center of our faith and work. We believe the Word of God as a standard for life and that true faith works through love. Miracleland Ministries, with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya has over 150 churches across East African, most them -90% being in Kenya.

Mountain Top Ministries
Renee Branson &
Mountain Top Ministries offers support for ministries such as providing CD’s, literature, clothing, Bibles, and funding for food programs, various home and foreign missions projects, and missionaries.
Mountain Top Ministries is actively involved in teaching and preaching the Word of God in churches, home groups, Bible schools, missions, retreats, and participating in other Christian activities in the State of Texas, across the United States, and in foreign countries.
Our goal is to stay open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to minister the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through every available means as God directs.